ZABITA (Police unit of a town hall) arrived at 12:00 noon. ZABITA was summoned by a group of our residents and we were complaining about the blockage of the manhole not being repaired. It was stated to ZABITA that the call for the solution of the problem was made to the Municipality of Didim and they kept a record even though the receipt of the paid sewage cleaning fee was shown to the ZABITA officer.
Zekeriya Dayan and Ayvur Peletier went to Didim ASKI and from there to the Municipality's Sewage Control Department. It was asked why the sewage cleaner had not come, and it was stated that ZABITA came for punishment as a result of their absence. He said he would call ZABITA and discuss the cancellation of the sentence. He also told us that it is possible to send a cleaner truck only on November 15, and talked to the necessary officer about the delivery of the cleaner truck.
After many phone calls, Zekeriya Dayan found a worker to open the hatch of our manhole in Akbük and brought him from Akbük. The manhole covers were opened and first work was done. A cleaner truck came from ASKI, but it could not open the manhole. After this negative intervention, it was decided to seek the help of a private company. Zekeriya Dayan took the worker back to Akbük, and when he returned to the site at 19:45, he temporarily covered the top of the manhole so that the animals would not fall into it.